Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

English Assigmment 4 : Writing a Review

Name : Rindy Agustin
Npm : 25210987
Class : 3EB21

Product :Takoyaki dan Okonomiyaki
Restaurant : Sakura Takoyaki

Review Positif (+) :

  • GOOD
  • Friendly waiters
  • because the outside takoyaki batter crunchy but still soft inside
  • Delicious

    Letter Of Offer
    Jakarta, 29 juni 2013
    General Manager Takoyaki

    Dear Sir/Madam

    My name is Rindy Agustin. I am a student of Gunadarma University. The purpose of my letter is to explaining the overage about Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki Japanese Food. Many options such as octopus loh filling, cheese, jellies and others. Why so? So that people can enjoy more satisfield and more economical, because all the meals are served here all fresh. so here weve really fresh food and still anget, this time I ordered some of their flagship menu, the takoyaki and okonomiyaki.
    Takoyaki is basically taken from the word meaning tako octopus, so dough balls this Japanese-style octopus contents it is, but because it is rather difficult at this takoyaki contents can usually be replaced by a squid that has the same texture, and more have same sense that more familiar Indonesian tongue here fits really awful dough and ga amnis, continue in the present use of fish sauce, fish skin and also myonaise, crunchy.
    another one was okonomiyaki, so this semcam omelet, but it is no vegetable cabbage and carrots gently from egg tastes good and there are also krenyes-krenyes of vegetables, keep in sajiin also use fish skin and a sweet soy sauce and mayonnaise, it feels good deh, the price is only 15 thousands really, really affordable.

    So, very cheap J
    could do consumption by all people and all ages.....thanks

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